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Meet Team UPS

Sharlene F.

Local Sort Supervisor


Sharlene has been with UPS for 17 years and finds that there are many aspects of working at UPS that are unlike working for any other company. Sharlene has witnessed women being promoted to managerial positions and has herself been promoted and encouraged to continue developing her career. She is happy that UPS provides job security and programs like tuition assistance so employees can further their education.

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Sharlene Franklyn

"I appreciate that UPS delivers what matters in terms of the business, but also in terms of the people."

Q&A with Sharlene

What has been the most satisfying thing about working at UPS?

The most satisfying part to me is the ability to impact people. As a female, we have a more nurturing nature. I have impacted a lot of people and they have thanked me for impacting their lives. I have encouraged people to apply to tuition reimbursement. I also appreciate how UPS promotes from within, so I have a better chance for promotion than someone from outside of the company.

What is unique about working at UPS?

Not very many companies have the benefits programs we have here, such as tuition reimbursement. We also have very good health and dental plans. I have friends with other jobs and have yet to see benefits as good as those that UPS offers. At other companies, people are paying more per month than I pay for myself and my family. We also have UPS University where you can go and learn new things. You can do safety training, training on how to work in groups, compliance in the industry, and more. We have how to manage a team and emotional intelligence’s a lot.

Does the phrase "We move the world forward by delivering what matters" feel relevant to you? If so, how does it feel relevant?

Oh yes, I really do believe UPS delivers what matters. I am Afro Caribbean, and I am given an opportunity for management and see there are people from all cultures and genders at UPS. It’s a really diverse workforce. And I really deliver what matters, not only in terms of packages but in terms of people as well. I’m very happy to be a part of that vision.

There is a saying at UPS that "You belong at UPS." Do you feel that's true for you? What is UPS doing to make you feel welcome and part of the team?

I really do feel that I belong. As a full-time supervisor, we get shares in the company. So, we are part owners of the company, so that’s a huge sense of belonging for us. They also recognize our achievements. So, if you did something great, like your team met your safety goals for the month or the year, they will recognize it. They will put a picture of you up on They recognize your birthday. That makes you feel like a part of the UPS family. When I got promoted, it was a pleasure to get a congratulations from the CEO of the company and the division manager from Toronto. They reach out to you to see how things are going. I feel really good about being a part of this team.

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